Blog Help! My Dog is Ruinning My Life! What should I do?

Help! My Dog is Ruinning My Life! What should I do?


Another day, another disaster at home.

Carpet shredded.

Trash scattered like confetti.

And a frantic dash to the vet because your dog decided to dine on things that aren't even food.

You might be thinking, 'Why did I even get a dog? Is my dog out to wreck my life?'

But here's the scoop: Your dog doesn't want to ruin your life.

How can I be so sure? Well, hear me out before you list all the reasons why you think your dog is your life's nemesis. Give my advice a shot, and see if it doesn't make life with your dog a whole lot smoother.

Instead of believing your dog's a saboteur, think of them as missing some vital info to do what you're asking.

Because, I promise you:

Your dog isn't plotting to make you fail (but by not doing this, you might be setting them up for failure).

Your dog isn't on a mission to destroy your world (but if you skip this, you might be making their life tough).

They're simply doing what they think is right at the moment. And it's not a personal attack on you.

Your dog's choices are based on their past experiences and their current situation.

Your dog isn't trying to sabotage your friendships when they jump on guests.

They're not giving you the cold shoulder at the park to spite you.

And when they bark at other dogs or people in public, they're not out to humiliate you.

They're just being... well, themselves.

Or what they think is 'normal.'

Because they're missing some key info to make better choices!

And we often fall into the trap of expecting our dogs to obey our every command like they're smitten with us – even without putting in much (or any) training.

Let's clear up what WE think training is versus what it really is. There's definitely a gap here, trust me.

Yep, I had that disconnect too back in the day. That's why I know where 99% of dog owners stumble.

Because I was once part of that 99%. Your dog isn't born a pro at being obedient.

That's something they need to learn.

And your dog might need 1,000 reps in various situations to get it!

For instance: If your dog sits in the kitchen with no distractions, treats are cool. But expecting them to sit at a busy park without teaching the steps properly is a setup for failure. They lack the info to do what you ask. And here's the kicker: your dog wasn't ignoring your 'SIT' at the park; they genuinely had no clue what you wanted.

So, what's the game plan?

Step back. Taking their behavior to a new place is a training test.

Your dog's actions aren't 'good' or 'bad.'

They're telling you how well you've 'explained' (taught) your dog what you mean.

Now, don't get frustrated (that's the fast track to breaking trust). Instead, use this info to fill in your dog's learning gaps.

How? Well, I've got that covered, step by step, in The Dog Training Lab. 🐾🎓

Want more help with your dog? The Dog Training Lab has exclusive lessons and trainings that I previously only shared with my in person clients, but you can get these lessons that our clients rave about for a fraction of what it would be to work with me. Find out more and see if you think it would be a good fit for you and your dog here:


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