
Looking for help, but not sure where to find it?

Here you'll find all the training and support we offer, so you can find exactly what you need!

Check out our book "How to Socialise Your Puppy - even if you don't have access to puppy classes" 

Give Your Puppy The Best Start!

As a dog trainer, one of the most common concerns were Puppy Classes.

Owners would either worry that they couldn't get into puppy classes for whatever reason or they'd be confused that their puppy's behaviour had deteriorated "but they've been to puppy class!"

The thing is, unless owners understand what they're doing and why, they might not realise where things are actually going wrong.

I'm obsessed about raising better puppies. 

I'm not saying puppy classes are bad or good. But, if you:

  • Don't have access to puppy classes (or even if you do, but you want to know what else you can do!)
  • Want to raise better puppies (aka "I don't want to screw up this puppy.")
  • Have a tricky puppy showing behaviours that are worrying you and want help before things get bad

Then this book is definitely for you!

If you don't care about how your puppy turns out and you just like to hope your puppy turns into a good dog, then this book is not for you.

I've worked with many dogs who started as nervous, reactive and even aggressive and many of them, with the right guidance became dogs their families could enjoy!

And that's why I wrote this book. Because it all starts with correct puppy socialisation!

What free help and support do we offer?

Well, I'm glad you asked! We have some very helpful free training resources that we've put together for you to help you and your dog get the training you need! You can find them here:

Grab this helpful & FREE online resource here!

Grab this helpful & FREE online resource here!

If life's a bit of a struggle right now,
Luzelle offers some super affordable online training help too!

The Good Dog Village Logo

Dogs & humans need a village to reach their potential. I still rely on my village, that's how I know and why I created 'The Village.' Here you'll find useful how to's, cheats, tricks & support to help you & your dog truly reach your potential! Check it out here for ONLY $9.99/month! (That's less than $2.50 a week and loads more useful)

Get control over your dog's bad choices easily for only $9! Yup, Chaos to Calm is going to help you understand the Traffic Light System we use to make sure our dogs learn good habits from the get go! Life is stressful, your dog shouldn't add to it! I like to keep things simple! Grab it here for only $9!

Most of us really waste the best training opportunities! But no longer with Train Smarter! Yup, this program packs a punch with some of the best kept secrets in the industry! So simple, yet so effective! And you won't believe how much it will help your dog! Grab it now for only $47

Coming Soon:

Getting a dog to walk nicely on a leash can be a real challenge! My battle tested system is designed to help even the most challenging dogs learn to walk politely and calmly with their humans! You can learn more here!

Living with a reactive dog can be a real struggle! But, when you know what to do to support your best friend, you and your dog can enjoy life together and in most cases their reactivity can even become a thing of the past! You can learn more here!

Coming very shortly!

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