Good Dogs Have More Fun!

Good dogs have more fun - and so do their humans!

I believe your dog is a good dog. But sometimes, they might jump, bark, dig, or pull on the leash.

If you want to show off your dog's true good side to the world, you're in the right place! I can help you make that happen!

Good dogs are made, not born! All it takes is a little time, patience, and The Dog Training Lab!

Why are The Dog Training Lab owners so successful? Because they learn how to train their own dog, not just to follow instructions! In fact, just following instructions could lead to disaster because Every Dog is Different!

That's what makes The Dog Training Lab different, our owners want more than just an obedient dog!

Not only will you get a better dog, but you'll become a better human for your dog! Enjoy a better relationship and have more fun together!

Available Courses

Help my barking dog workshop title image with a spaniel puppy

Watch the Workshop Replay Here!

Struggling with your dog's barking? Come join us for some tips to help our dogs become less barky so our lives can be more enjoyable and less stressful!

The Manners Academy Waitlist Image

Be the first to find out when The Manners Academy is Available again!

Why sign up to the waitlist? Because you'll get a very amazing Early Bird discount opportunity that no one else will get! I'm offering this because I want to help you to succeed but you need to take the advantage of this to get it! Click on "Learn More" to find out if The Manners Academy is right for you!

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FREE Muzzle Training for Good Dogs!

Not only does this training help your dog help your dog feel comfortable wearing a muzzle, it's also a great way to build trust with your dog!

Chaos to Calm Title image with a Swiss Shepherd on the left with pink high heels. The Chaos to Calm logo in the center and the Luzelle The Dog Trainer Dog image on the right in purple looking left towards the logo.

FREE: Chaos to Calm

If your dog is driving you nuts, then I can help! Having a good dog can be easier than you think!

The Good Dog Village

Because it takes a Village to train a dog. Yes, us dog owners benefit from having support, encouragement and the right guidance to help our dogs become calmer, happier & more obedient! Join a group of awesome humans who know what it's like to have naughty dogs too!

Train Smarter Header Image

Train Smarter: Good Dog Shortcuts!

This is one of the best ways to improve your dog's obedience. And many of us waste this opportunity every day. This training only needs to take 5-10 minutes every day, and you and your dog will have fun too!

Calm Confident and Connected Walks Header Image

Calm Confident & Connected Walks

Walking your over excitement or reactive dog can be stressful. But it doesn't need to be that way. Instead of spending the next year hating walks, let's spend 12 weeks together and sort out this walking thing! Because most of us got dogs to enjoy walks with, right?

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Hush The Bark: Embrace the quiet

Struggling with your dog constantly barking and just about giving you a heart attack? It's not good for you or your mental health, and it's not good for your dog. So, to help you I've put together my battle tested ways to teach your dog to stop barking simply when you say "Thank You"!

3 Games Every Dog Should Know Header Image

3 Games Every Dog Must Know

These are the exact 3 games, I used to teach clients during their very first training session with me to help them get control of their dog's behaviour quickly, effectively and kindly! Save over $200 by getting this training and you'll be able to watch this training as many times as you need to succeed!

Puppy to Good Dog Header Image

Puppy to Good Dog

There's more to puppy raising than puppy class. And... here's a secret... puppies need more than 4 puppy classes to become good dogs. Learn what to do and how to do it so that your puppy can get the best start and you can have a good dog you can enjoy your life with!

Tracking Cheat Sheets

Always wanted to enjoy tracking with your dog, but not sure how to start or even what to do?

Grab these tracking cheat sheets for only $9

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