Blog What Can You Expect From a 6-month Old Puppy?

What Can You Expect From a 6-month Old Puppy?


Puppies are cute and fun! 

But when can you start expecting your puppy to be more capable of keeping themselves out of trouble? At what age can you say "my puppy is now toilet trained"? At what age can you leave your puppy at home and know that your home won't be destroyed?

What to Do When You Bring Your Puppy Home?

When you bring your puppy home, most people start teaching their puppy all sorts of cute tricks! And many puppies can do these quite well. 

But many owner actually neglect some important lessons that little puppies need to learn.

You see, little puppies are curious little creatures, and often get themselves into all sorts of mischief. They can even end up at the vet with blockages, broken bones or more effects of their mischief.

There are many things that you can do to help your puppy. But it's important to use this opportunity to teach your puppy the skills they need to become a good dog. But when can you stop? At what age can you say "my puppy is now trained"? Is your puppy mature enough at 6 months old?

What is Your 6-Month Old Puppy Capable of?

While different breeds develop at different rates, at 6 months most puppies are still very much babies.

They're still learning about the world around them. Their brains and bodies are still developing. They're teething. While they can do some cute tricks, they do not yet have skills to be unsupervised and not get themselves into mischief.

They simply don't know better at 6 months.

Basically, the first 2 years of your puppy's life should be about building their confidence, teaching them what you'd like them to do and making sure they don't learn anything you don't want them to learn.

At 2 years, can you trust your puppy?

You can trust your puppy to be as good as the education you provided. If you have challenges, that means that something you've done hasn't worked for your puppy and that needs to change.

What Can You Do To Make Your Life Easier While Raising Your Puppy?

Have safe spaces, like a crate, play pen or run for your puppy to play in when you cannot watch them. Make sure you have a long line on your puppy when they're out and about so that you can stop mischief faster.

Don't leave your puppy unsupervised.

Puppies, like little children, are curious and love exploring... and ultimately will get themselves into trouble or learn things that you didn't want them to learn.

It's far easier to help your puppy learn the right things from the start!

Dogs and owners do best when they have a supportive village. Like the saying "it takes a village to raise a child" I've found that us owners and our dogs do best when we have a supportive village. But a good, supportive village is difficult to find. So, I created one!

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